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Drill well, emergency not panic -- Jinan City deep Springs Foreign Language School to carry out fire drill activities


Campus safety is more important than Mount Tai,To further implement the spirit of creating a harmonious campus,Establish effective working mechanism to prevent and deal with fire accidents,In case of earthquake, fire,Able to respond quickly, command effectively, organize and coordinate, properly handle,Ensure the safety of teachers and students' lives and school property,The Student Development Department of Jinan Deep Spring Foreign Language School jointly conducted a fire drill on the morning of March 21。

With the sound of the "alarm", the drill activities officially began。After hearing the alarm, the students under the command of the teacher quickly, or hand to cover the mouth and nose, or with sleeves to cover the mouth and nose, cat waist fast and trot, orderly evacuation from the safe passage, quickly evacuated to the safety zone。

After the exercise, directors of departments at all levels popularized fire safety knowledge to students, and then summarized the activity。Director Chen Zhenkai said that in the normal security exercise, we should continue to maintain a tense and serious attitude, constantly enhance security awareness, improve the response ability and self-protection ability to respond to emergencies, and always put safety first。

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This fire drill enables Deep Spring students to further understand the relevant knowledge of fire safety, enhance the awareness of fire safety, and lay a solid foundation for building a strong fire safety defense line and creating a safe and harmonious campus。We will continue to run fire safety through the daily education and teaching activities, so that every student has a clear understanding of fire knowledge, and the fire safety education work is implemented to protect the healthy growth of students。
