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Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine into the century Only - "medical mouth good teeth" small teeth are not simple


Our teeth are like our little friends,

Let us eat happily and smile brightly!

So take good care of our teeth,

Let them grow up healthy and strong!

Activity profile

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On July 9, 2024, the guards of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine went to Century Only Kindergarten to give a lecture on "Traditional Chinese Medicine Care oral care"。

Active process

Under the orderly leadership of the teachers, the children set up their benches and began to listen carefully。

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The speaker first asked the children a riddle about teeth。Then, the lecturing team introduced how to have good teeth from four aspects: "the structure and function of teeth", "common oral problems", "ways to prevent oral problems", and "the way of dental health in traditional Chinese medicine"。  

In the whole process of the activity, the children were in excellent condition, actively interacting with the teacher, and truly participating in the preaching class。

Activity summary

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Through the oral care of traditional Chinese medicine, the children learned about the basic structure, function and related diseases of teeth。The most important thing is that the children understand the correct brushing method - that is, the circular brushing method, but also understand other ways to protect teeth。

I hope the children can this activity, so that their teeth together with healthy growth!
