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Sun Yumeng: There is no desperate situation in life, repeat reading is the spark of renewed hope, as long as you persist, you can illuminate the road to the future


Life will never shortchange everyone who works hard, the more hard, the more lucky!Among the repeat students of Deep Springs Foreign Language School, Sun Yumeng only scored 200 points when she entered the school, but through a year of hard work and study, she finally got 370 points and 92 physical education points.The success of the 28 points was admitted to Jilin Provincial College of Sports, demonstrating his indomitable perseverance and firm faith in the future。Now, let's review his struggle and explore how he overcame all difficulties and succeeded step by step。

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Rereading the harvest of the road

In the year of re-studying in Deep Spring, I not only improved my grades, but also gained the courage and determination to face difficulties。From the firm determination to re-study, to actively participate in training, and then to overcome the trouble of injury, I gradually found my own way to success。Now, I would like to share my experience with you in the hope that it can inspire and enlighten you。

01.Have a firm determination to repeat

It takes great courage to choose to repeat。When the results were not ideal, I did not get discouraged, but firmly believed that through repeated reading can change the fate。In this process, I carefully analyzed my own strengths and weaknesses, and found the right direction for the next efforts。

02.Have the perseverance to devote yourself to training

During the review period, training is a top priority。I trained hard every day in strict accordance with the requirements of my coach and constantly challenged my limits。Whether it is physical training or special skills training, I will go all out and not miss any opportunity to improve。

03.Have the determination to overcome the injury

In the pursuit of dreams on the road, injuries are the biggest enemy。When the leg and back injuries hit, I was in despair。However, with the encouragement of the coach and teachers, I actively treated and insisted on rehabilitation training, and finally overcame the injury and returned to the competition。

Campus support

The school gave full support to our repeat students, which laid a solid foundation for our success。

01.The school is fully equipped with professional equipment

The school pays special attention to the equipment of training facilities, providing us with professional wrestling MATS, training bags, training equipment and dummies。These facilities not only meet our training needs, but also create good training conditions for us and help to improve the training effect。

02.The teacher's meticulous care

The school teachers and coaches also gave us meticulous care。When I was injured, Coach Zhou made a recovery plan for me;

Coach Zhou is our senior sister, training is a strict teacher, usually is concerned about our friends。When my leg was injured and I could not train normally, she made a rehabilitation plan for me, cared about my weak points and offered solutions before the physical examination, and gave me great help and encouragement。

In the sports program, I had to do 12 overturns to get a full score, and I could only do six because of recurring leg and back injuries, falling into anxiety and collapsing in class。The head teacher Li Yancai communicated with me for the first time, encouraged me when I was confused, and said, "You can't get on the exam who can get on the exam", so that I regained confidence and decided to repeat the study。

One of the biggest difficulties was the sport of overturning, at that time could only do six, if so the university was hopeless。However, Coach Zhou made an exception to let me train together in the morning, and took me alone, gradually increasing from 6 to 8, 9, until the physical exam, and finally got good results, thanks to Coach Zhou's constant companionship!

Family encouragement and trust

Choosing to repeat the deep Spring was my own decision, and my parents supported me without asking。When I was lost, I jokingly asked my father how to do if he could not get the exam this year, and my father said seriously: "Then come for another year, as long as you have confidence, no matter how many years I will accompany you until you get the exam?。"My father was full of confidence in me, and later I felt that going to college was not only for myself, but also for living up to their expectations。

Finally, I want to say

At the important moment when you are facing a choice, I want to tell you that the second study is an opportunity to start again, and it is a journey to challenge yourself。Do not feel that it is a waste of time, waste of money, your life only once, choose to repeat, if you succeed, you can have a better life, do not choose to regret things, do not choose to give up their own better life and a brighter future because of fear of face。Please believe in your potential and take this step bravely。As long as you persevere, you will be able to usher in your own brilliance。
