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Sincere, gold and stone to open - Shandong deep spring Technician College summer work documentary


In this hot summer, the corporate philosophy of "bright future Zehui million square drops of water and deep spring" is deeply imprinted on every school in Jinze and the hearts of every faculty and staff。In order to do a good job in 2024 enrollment, solve the problems of parents and students with the most sincere and comprehensive introduction, the faculty and staff of Shandong Deep Spring Technician College have no rest in the summer, stick to their posts, do their duty, and show the "deep Spring" spirit of active struggle with practical actions。

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Sweat creates the dream bridge -- Pay tribute to the hard cultivators behind the enrollment live broadcast

With a sincere and friendly attitude, they patiently answer questions, carefully introduce the profession, and build a bridge of trust with professionalism and affinity。Behind the enrollment live broadcast is the silent effort and persistence of the school live broadcast team countless days and nights。They not only face intense work and exposure to the sun, but also need to stay focused and resourceful in front of the camera to ensure that the information is accurate, so that distant students can also feel the deep culture of the school, excellent faculty and colorful campus life。

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The live broadcast team led by teacher Wang Xiasha, each live more than 6 hours a day, from 0 people in the live broadcast room gradually broke through to hundreds of informants。Timely summary after live broadcast, combined with hot spots and feedback to develop the next day strategy to ensure accurate and attractive content。

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Live team interview

"In the process of live broadcasting, we encountered various problems such as technology, content and management, and after working together to solve them through team cooperation, not only improved the quality of live broadcasting and audience experience, but also enhanced the team's resilience and collaboration efficiency, so that we gradually formed our own standardized workflow and live broadcasting experience."。

"Our anchors generally start at 7 a.m., and sometimes they take a break at 12 a.m.Because of the long speech, resulting in hoarseness, pain, can only contain gold throat relief;Sometimes I sleep at night and dream."。

"I am a teacher of the vocational Education college Entrance Examination Department, and I voluntarily joined the school's live customer service, because I usually have more contact with parents and have a better understanding of all aspects of the school, so I can answer questions for parents in detail.。Because of my participation, the anchor is more at ease and the parents are more at ease."。

Heroes behind the scenes, building the cornerstone of our dreams-- A tribute to the guardians of the back office

They stick to the gate guard day and night, strictly check the safety of the campus: they carefully clean the road, always keep the campus clean and beautiful: they carefully trim and maintain the flowers and trees, to create a comfortable and warm campus environment。Logistics staff with a high degree of professionalism and a strong sense of responsibility, to ensure the school during the summer work。They work hard under the scorching sun, not only to create a quality living environment for teachers and students, but also to win a good reputation for the school, and effectively promote the school enrollment work。

Back office interview transcript

"Although I am under the hot sun and my clothes are soaked with sweat, I always stick to my post, sweeping every piece of land I am responsible for, just like at home, keeping every corner clean and comfortable."。

"In my mind, the campus is not only a workplace, but also a home that needs careful care. Whenever I see that after my hard work, the campus becomes clean and tidy, the flowers and flowers in the flower beds are more colorful, and the floor of the corridors and classrooms glow with the original luster, I will feel sincere satisfaction and pride."。

"Even if the sun is hot or rainy, I will drive the campus tour bus to pick up parents every day, so that parents can easily and quickly tour the entire campus.。I also clean the campus sightseeing bus every day to provide parents with a more comfortable and clean riding environment。Because I know that I represent not only myself, but the image of the whole school."。

Smile to welcome the eight, patiently solve all puzzles-- Pay tribute to the devotees of admission reception consultation

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They are smiling, enthusiastic and patiently listening to each parent's needs。In the face of an endless stream of inquiries, their professional answers, detailed, from course characteristics to learning life, one by one detailed introduction。In the busy and challenging, they not only convey the warmth and care of the school, but also become a bridge connecting the school and students, contributing an indelible force to the enrollment work, highlighting the important value of the reception position。

Enrollment reception team interview transcript

"During the escort period of the college entrance examination, on the one hand, we cooperate with Jinan TV Station on behalf of our school to provide intimate escort services for the students of the college entrance examination; on the other hand, we set up enrollment consultation points in crowded areas, distribute publicity materials, and conduct face-to-face consultation and answers."。

"During the reception process, I encountered various challenges: disagreements between children and parents, differences of opinion between parents...In the face of these sudden questions, I always keep smiling, listen patiently, and answer questions for parents with professional knowledge and rich experience."。

"After the completion of the day's reception, I will continue to sort out the reception records of the day, summarize the information of the visiting students one by one, and mark the color for follow-up.。At the same time, I will also use the parents' rest time to communicate for one to two hours by phone or wechat to ensure that every interested parent can get timely attention and guidance."。

In the rush of enrollment season, every member fully cooperated and went hand in hand。We know that every effort is a boost to the dreams of future students, and every communication may be the key to open a new chapter for them。Therefore, we are not divided into each other, working together, sowing seeds of hope in the ocean of publicity, and passing on the warmth and strength of the school in the front line of consultation。Our smile, patience and professionalism have converged into an unstoppable force, contributing to the enrollment work and contributing their most sincere and valuable strength。
