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Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony


       Graduation season, some people smile and say relief, some people cry and say don't give up。Goodbye, is no longer the next September school, goodbye, may be a long miss, still can have a dream, on the way to the future, do not talk about parting sadness, only the coming days。

      At 10:00 am on November 18, 2018, the graduation ceremony of 2018 outstanding graduates of our school was held in the 306 conference room of the complex building, sending the final wishes of teachers and students to the graduates of Deep Spring。I hope they can feel their Alma mater's love for each student who is leaving the school, and keep the best memories in their hearts。

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

      School executive President Bei Guangyong, Vice president Yao Tao, Vice President Cheng Zhen, Vice President Wang Jinzhong, Vice President Sui Yuexian,Director of the Academic Affairs Office Wang Chang, deputy director Tian Baoqi, Director of High School Qiao Xia, deputy director Liu Huanhuan, Director of Information Center Xu Xingzhi and 10 outstanding graduate representatives and student representatives attended the graduation ceremony。

    "Farewell, old schoolmates who despise each other;Goodbye, too late to say thank you..."With the song "Don't say Goodbye", the teachers and students watched the video album of the 2014 preschool education class together, and with this memory, the graduation ceremony of the outstanding graduates of 2018 officially began。

      First of all, the guests who attended the ceremony were introduced. Then, all the teachers and students paid tribute to Master Confucius, the most holy teacher of Dacheng。Let us be grateful, careful, and inherit the context。

      During the school, it is indispensable to the teacher's inculcation and careful care。At the meeting, the first teacher Qiao Haixia as the graduating class teacher representative speech。Mr. Qiao's speech revealed the true feelings, full of pride, and inspired every graduate here to be more confident, more courageous, and work hard to challenge tomorrow!

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

      The graduation speech delivered by the valedictorian She Wenya moved everyone present。Memories of the school bit by bit, the students do not give up the feelings of expression, their love for the deep spring into tears, their love for the deep spring deeply planted in the heart。

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

       The Alma mater carries the youth of everyone, and the graduates who have not come to school also brought blessings and gratitude to the teachers and students of Deep Spring through the video monologue。Thousands of miles away, we can still feel the deep spring students eager to return!

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

     "I come from Deep Spring, I have been to Deep Spring" is the best belief and evaluation given by graduates to Deep Spring, and it is also the development and inheritance of deep Spring spirit。In 2016, Wu Hua, a student majoring in early childhood education, sent his best wishes to the graduating students on behalf of the students. At the same time, she also encouraged the students to learn from the outstanding graduates。2017 grade of early childhood education major Wang Mengjiao, Li Miaomiao, Wang Cuicui, Liu Ruyi brought poetry reciting "Thanksgiving Alma mater", expressed the aspirations of deep spring students, we inherit the spirit of deep spring, with a grateful heart, to study, to live, to struggle, to brilliant their own life。

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

      Then began the exciting certificate presentation ceremony。President Bei Guangyong presented the graduation certificate to the outstanding graduates of the class of 2018, and presented each outstanding graduate with a book of proverbs written by the leaders themselves。Just a few lines, encourage deep spring students to progress and grow, thin page of graduation certificate, record a unique time。

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

      Finally, President Bei Guangyong congratulated the graduates on their successful graduation, and carefully reminded the graduates that they should not forget the spirit of deep spring self-improvement and the creed of moral commitment, and should be the disseminators of deep Spring culture, cultivate virtue and practice, and be a moral, responsible and cultured person。

       The graduates of 2018 have left their Alma mater and set sail, and the graduation ceremony is not only a summary of the past, but also a look forward to the future。They will use the spirit of self-improvement and independent personality cultivated in the school to face more challenges in the future. At the same time, I believe that they will be grateful to their Alma mater and create a better future!

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony

Shandong Deep Spring College 2018 outstanding graduates graduation ceremony
